DogGone Smart Resources

DogGone Smart Useful Links:

Here are some products I often use in class:

DogGone Smart Veterinary Recommendations:

Northwest Animal Hospital

Dr. Van Valin and Dr. Lisembee

4575 N. Chestnut Street

Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Phone: 719-593-8582

Our Family Vet

Dr. Arlene Amato

1607 N. Circle Dr.

Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Phone: 719-591-9230

Bear Creek Veterinary Care

Dr. Fernyak

960 Pico Point

Colorado Springs, CO 80905

Phone: 719-685-1177

Want to help save a life? Adopt your next dog:

Safe Place for Pets

Safe Place cares for pets when a terminally ill owner no longer can. Safe Place was incorporated in 1996 as a 501(c)(3) charity and serves people and pets living in El Paso and Teller counties.

Colorado Dalmatian Rescue

These great organizations are always looking for supplies, foster homes, and volunteers. Feel free to call them, or ask me, for details. The wonderful and ever so famous Kai and Kaleah came from the Colorado Dalmatian Rescue.

All Breed Rescue & Training

Primarily serving Colorado Springs and the greater El Paso County community, All Breed Rescue & Training is a non-profit organization with a mission to both protect at risk shelter dogs and provide professional educational services for all dog owners. We are not a shelter, but rather a non-profit organization that places at-risk shelter dogs in foster homes until a permanent home can be found. Dogs that are brought into the foster program go through a process of evaluation and preparation so that they can be placed in the best home for their personality and individual needs.